Past, Present, And Future: Me


I was born on 8/5/2009. I am usually the youngest child in my classes especially in elementary school. I had a hard time with reading in school for a while and when Covid hit then things started getting worse. I hadn't been to an in person school since 5th grade until I came to mtchs. Last year was my first year in an in-person school again.


I love playing videogames and talking with people. I am good at reading now and I read a book series during the first week of summer, over 2000 pages. The book series is called "The Throne Of Glass". It is one of the best books I have ever read. I am now reading a book called "The Cresent City". The Author of the book is Sarah J. Mass. I play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. I love the game and so does my family, I usually play with my sister. We run raids together and try to help each other out as much as possible in the game.

Final Fantasy 14, Dawntrail


I hope to get a good job as a theripist/counciler or something that has to do with media. I would also like to find a nice/comfotable appartment or house so that way I can take my dog Fen with me. He is a little weirdo but that's how puppies are. I hope I can find a place with lots of space so he can run around (also get him a lot of chew toys so he doesn't eat my stuff).